We will be doing our annual lending of coats, gloves and scarves from November 1, 2024 to March 31, 2025.

The mission of the Weisenberg/Lowhill Townhill Township Historical Society is to promote, support and preserve the collection of artifacts and historical records specifically relating to Weisenberg and Lowhill Townships and their surrounding areas for the benefit of the public.
Take a look at the rooms inside the Historical Society.
Sewing Room showing period clothing on the second floor.
This Tallboy Clock dated pre-1900 is located in 2nd floor Parlor.
Violin was played for dances at the Seipstown Hotel.
Map locating One Room School Houses in the townships
Genealogy Networking Sessions…2nd Sunday of every month, 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm..
February 27 is the hoagie fundraiser, orders due by February 17. Pickup 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm.
March 19 DeMarco’s Fundraiser 3:00 pm to 8:00 pm. 10240 Old 22, Kutztown, PA. 20% of food sales back to WLTHS but must mention our name.
April 6 to April 12 Spring Basket Social….Sunday Noon to 4 pm., Wednesday 1:00 pm to 6:00 pm., Friday 1:00 pm to 6:00 pm., Saturday 9:00 am to Noon.
The Plow Boys will be at the Historical Society with their tractor show during 2025 for two events. April 26 and 27 also again August 9 and 10.
May 1 Hoagie Fundraiser, with orders due by April 21, pickup 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm.
May 17 Yard and Bake Sale 8:00 am to 1:00 pm.
Werleys Corner sign used in the 20’s, 30’s and 40’s. This is hanging in the Pole Building.
The carriage was owned by Dr. Daniel E. Reinert, Veterinarian
Stop in to see our store. There are some great things to look at and buy.
Just a few local books that we sell: History of Weisenberg Township Northwestern Lehigh County,
Old Northwestern High School Yearbooks,
“A Taste of History” Cookbook,
Various Post Cards.
You can buy a map of Weisenberg and Lowhill Townships
2024 Quilt was “Delectable Mountain”
2023 Quilt was “Friendship”
2022 Quilt was “Lone Star”
2021 Quilt was “Americana”
2019 Quilt was “Bridges and Barns”
2018 Quilt was “Hummingbirds”.
2017 Quilt was “Lovers’ Knot”
2016 Quilt was “Log Cabin”
Usually the 2nd Sunday of each month 1:30 to 4:30 PM
Contact Justine Bachman at HxSeeker@gmail.com or 610-760-1175 to reserve your spot.
Wi-Fi Internet Access is Available
Laptop and Ancestry.com is Available
Open to everyone
Membership not required, but we would love to have you join us
at 4585 Werleys Corner Road, New Tripoli 18066
Come when you want, leave when you must.
Left to right are David Neimeyer, Denise Drabick, Justine Bachman
These people can help you if you need assistance.
Take a look inside our library. A lot of information for you to gather to work on your family tree.
This event just ended for 2023. Hope to see you in 2024.
Email: weislowths@gmail.com
Our physical address is 4585 Werleys Corner Road, New Tripoli, PA 18066
Our mailing address is PO Box 91, New Tripoli, PA 18066
Phone 610-298-2091
Follow us on Facebook
email us at weislowths@gmail.com
Board of Directors:
Donald Breininger, President Emeritus & Historian
Gloria Zimmerman, President
Nancy Handwerk & Sterling Reinert, Co-Vice Presidents
Ann Wertman, Secretary
Althea Hahn, Treasurer
Jim Bachman
John Baush
Bill Beitler, Emeritus
Keith Breininger
Ralph Dengler
Helen Donmoyer
Terry Hausman
Adisan Kistler, Young Adult
Ronda Koepke
Mark Miller
Glenn Reeder
Marlene Ritter
Tony Werley, Weisenberg Township Representative
Membership application for joining the Historical Society.
Our membership is based on a calendar year.
We are open to the public with free admission and parking.
Financial donations are welcomed and appreciated.
WLTHS Membership also makes a perfect gift.
WLTHS is incorporated as a non-profit charitable organization in the Commonwealth of PA, and has been designated as a 501 (c) (3) all volunteer charitable organization by the IRS which began in 2003. All contributions are considered tax deductible for federal tax purposes under current IRS regulations.
Our physical address is 4585 Werleys Corner Road, New Tripoli, Pa. 18066.
Our mailing address is PO Box 91, New Tripoli, Pa. 18066
Our email address is weislowths@gmail.com.
If interested in volunteering contact us at 610-298-2091 and someone will call you back.
Thank you for your support!
Here is an exciting video created by the New Tripoli Bank. Click on the link below to view.
Our very 1st basket weaving class was a success.
A few pictures from our Spring Basket Social Event. These are always enjoyed by everyone who attends.
We had a book signing by Shannon W. Helzer on May 2, 2023. The book is a Historical Fiction with a local family woven into the plot.
Plow Boys
The Plow Boys held their event at the Historical Society August of 2023.
We had three Farmer’s Markets this year.
Our first ever tree lighting before Christmas 2023